
Recently, I made puppy-cakes for a doggie Christmas party. Lola’s friend Molly invited us all to the O’Connor dog park for chasies, funsies and a sense of the ridiculous. I contributed the doggy-favourite – puppy-cakes. I quite enjoy making these puppy-cakes, it is essentially a one bowl mix, and is fairly no fuss. I use… Continue reading Puppycakes

A Pooch Affair 2017

A month ago, Lola, Ben and I attended “A Pooch Affair 2017” at the EPIC Exhibition Centre here in Canberra. It was basically a massive doggie expo, and Lola and I were so excited! Ben… was resigned. We arrive, and park the car, and Lola loses her mind. She is so completely overstimulated by the… Continue reading A Pooch Affair 2017